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COVID – 19 Updates

OEA Board of Directors’ Update

OEA Board Position Statement on Safe and Equitable School Reopening

NEA’s Educating Through a Crisis

Resources for Teaching during the Pandemic

Department of Labor Update

Employee Rights Involving Sick Leave

NEA Webinar about Returning to School

This is the recording of the Webinar from July 17 that booked up very quickly.  The webinar is 90 minutes if you are interested in watching.  Member Webinar: Returning Safely to In-Person Instruction

NEA Article on Going Back to School

Are you worried about going back to school because of a health condition? Read this article.

Ohio Advisory Committee to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights

There will be virtual meetings held on July 16th and 23rd from 12 pm to 1:30 pm.  If interested in attending, please check out the flyer for registration information and the agenda to see what will be taking place.

Legal Update from OEA

Your Legal Rights as an Employee Returning to Work in Person

OEA Action Plan for 2020-2021 School Year


ODE Guidelines

Planning Guide for Ohio Schools & Districts

OEA Press Releases

OEA Press Release for July 2, 2020

OEA Website

Listen to Tele-Town Halls that have taken place over the past few months.  These were calls where OEA President, Scott DiMauro and Department of Education Superintendent, Paulo DeMaria, spoke to members about the updates during that time.  You will also hear members from around Ohio, who were also concerned just like you.  If you click here, it will take you to the page where these are found.  Also, if you go this page, you will also find some COVID FAQs.  Maybe some of your questions are there, so please take a look at it.

NEA Update

If you click here, you will see NEA’s initial guidelines for starting up this fall.